Active Plates
Active orthodontic appliances include the removable, self-activating plates with which artificial, continuously applied orthodontic forces bring about changes in tooth or mandibular position by means of springs, screws, or elastics.
An active plate can expand dental arches in a transverse direction and stretch them in a sagittal direction. Individual tooth movements, such as tipping, rotation, and lateral displacement, can be achieved with them; reverse horizontal overlaps (also known as overjets) and locally limited reverse articulations can also be corrected with active plates. Malocclusions that are not limited to the alveolar region but have a skeletal origin cannot be readily treated with active plates.
- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
Our Services
- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
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